Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 American short story tellers.

Jacqueline Susann

I assumed that I am an avid of reader of novels and that I have read most of the top short story writers. "Name him and I have read him"-will be my challenging sentence.

I was slapped hard and clean when I read the the list of top 10 American short story writers because I recognized only one out of ten. O Henry is undoubtedly is the best in my list and I have read all his works.

All the other 9 short story writers' works are unknown to me though I have heard the names of one or two that include Edgar Allen Poe and John Fitzgerald.

So, what happened to Irwing Wallace, Irwin Shaw, Jacqueline Susann, Ayn Rand, Harold Robins and James Hadley Chase?

Read here the top ten American short story writers.


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